Tim Barr

Timothy Barr’s choice to become a painter was influenced by growing up in an artistic family. Raised in Hamburg, Pennsylvania, he attended Pennsylvania Governors School for the Arts and the Tyler School of Fine Art at Temple University, with a BFA from the Tyler School. After graduation, however, Barr spent eleven years working in mechanical engineering before turning to art full-time.

He enjoys time spent outdoors canoeing, hiking, sailing, and biking, and a deep appreciation of nature is reflected his work.

“I’ve always felt a strong connection to the paintings of the Barbizon and Luminist painters. I can achieve radiance in my paintings using the glazing techniques practiced by these painters. In each of my paintings I combine elements I’ve seen in nature that strike a chord in me. By combining these abstract elements I can produce paintings that come close to the real soul of nature, as I see it.”

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